Engaged Couples
Congratulations on your engagement! This time of your life can come with a lot of joy, hope, and stress.
To begin, read more about what good Catholic sex is here.
Then, return to this page to access more information about how you can spend time during your engagement healing, growing, and preparing for your spousal union.
Most everyone will enter marriage in need of some form of healing, and it can help to spend time focusing on this healing during your engagement.
Take the time to identify the areas of your life in need of healing, including unrealistic expectations, past relationships, pornography, or sexual abuse.
We all need to grow, but sometimes we just don’t know how. Your engagement can be a great time to grow, especially in the virtue of chastity.
Learn more about how chastity can be strengthened during your engagement.
Be intentional in preparing for your spousal union.
Click on the following links for more information on the ways you can prepare: