What is good Catholic sex?
It is good.
It unites husband and wife and grows their bond and love for one another. It has the possibility of creating new life. It is also enjoyable, pleasurable, and fun. It is right and good for married persons to enjoy sex and the feelings of pleasure and delight that come with it.
It is Catholic.
If you’re reading this, you are most likely Catholic, and that means you know boundaries and guidelines are included. (But don't worry, there aren’t as many boundaries as people often think!) These boundaries aren’t meant to be restrictions to our happiness. They are not rules invented by celibate men who don’t understand. They are – like all elements of our Catholic faith – boundaries that have been shared with the Church by God. God gives us these boundaries so we can have marriages as he designed: full of life and love.
Good Catholic sex is therefore exclusively reserved for two persons united in marriage. It should be loving and respectful of both partners and their individual comfort levels. It is not impeded by the use of artificial contraception and requires that the man never (intentionally) climax outside the woman. Married persons are called to work with God in practicing “responsible parenthood” and are encouraged to learn a fertility awareness method (often called “NFP” in Catholic-land) to aid in this calling. These are not always easy teachings to accept and live, but they will help ensure your sex is loving and good. For further details on these points, visit the FAQs page.
It is sex.
Sex involves two very imperfect people. At times it can be bumbly, awkward, and frustrating. It requires personal healing and growth. It can involve laughter, accidental farts, and messes. It can take place in the “marriage bed,” and also the marriage couch, the marriage kitchen floor, the marriage car … It can get creative: with lingerie, experimental positions, oral stimulation, and sexual aids (as long as used respectfully and within the boundaries). Good Catholic sex requires patience, vulnerability, trust, communication, and love.